FI CH & SE CH Svarta Tassens Börje
- isä/father: USCH Turloch Show Me The Monkey
- emä/mother: Urax Ju-Jutsu
- Pathella: 0/0 (2010)
- Silmät/eyes: 0/0 (2010)
- Pathella: 0/0 (2012)
- Silmät/eyes: 0/0 (2012)
- Lonkat/hips: C/C (2013)
- Kyynärät/elbows: 0/0 (2013)
- DNA-testattu/-tested
Tastaway’s Me Myself And I
- isä/father: Rosara Rock DJ At Ingerdorm
- emä/mother: Svarta Tassens Mia
- Pathella: 0/0 (2013)
- Silmät/eyes: 0/0 (2013)
- Lonkat/hips: C/C (2013)
- Kyynärät/elbows: 0/0 (2013)
Tastaway’s Black Arctic Monkey
Om. Jenny, Espoo, Finland
- Pathella: 0/0 (2015)
- Silmät/eyes: 0/0 (2015)
- Lonkat/hips: D/D (2015)